You can't kick off with "my feedback is coming from a good place", then quote every transphobic trope known to humanity.
You also attempted to play the race card. It is absolutely vile and disgusting that you would attempt to link fighting for trans rights to some form of racism. As such, anything to do with playing the race card I'm immediately dismissing and will not comment on further.
You make a truly bizarre comment in the first paragraph: You ask how I "know that nobody trans thinks that male or female is a costume", and to bolster your question you state that you and your cohorts believe that it is the case.
Big whoop? Your beliefs don't trump facts. If you actually took the time to speak to trans people and find out about their experiences, instead of dismissing us as fetishistic crossdressers, perhaps you'd learn something.
Your perception of a misogynistic tone is because you have been conditioned (either by yourself willingly, or through contact with others) to believe that. No "comment from a good place" would try to frame this article as hating women.
Yes, women have indeed been (and continue to be) subject to varying levels of harassment and discrimination, despite the provisions in the equality. But none of that disqualifies trans women from being women. It is absolutely vile to place a requirement to suffer to qualify for womanhood, and is antithetical to feminism.
The "separate space" you seek to maintain have no basis beyond your personal preference. Whatever may have happened historically, we have had self-id for access in the UK for 10 years, and it has been empirically proven to have had no effect on women's safety positive or negative. You don't get to "but but but" your way into denigrating trans on the basis of what you believe should be the case.
I covered the issue of sports extensively in the article. The fact that you are still trying to convince me that sports are an issue shows that either you didn't read it properly, or you are being wilfully ignorant. Or a combination of both.
Do you really think trans people have no awareness of biological reality? Would you really insult us by suggesting we are not innately familiar with biology and how it affects us? To say this is deeply offensive, and shows an agenda on your part.
It is not misogyny to point out that it has been empirically proven that self-id for access has had no effect on women's safety. That's called a fact, and is not up for you to question it. This does not mean that sexual assault suddenly becomes legal, or that you shouldn't fear what seems to be a man in your space. What it means is that telling us that "these laws will lead to sexual assaults!" when they didn't for over 10 years is prejudicial discrimination.
You then attempt to force the idea that being a woman requires suffering. Again, this is insulting to all women.
And yes, I do recognise privilege. But do you really think that people look at me and go "oh? trans? Oh why didn't you say! I shall treat you like a king!". Oh course they bloody don't. If we pass we get the misogyny. If we don't, we get the transphobia. To say otherwise is insulting, and suggests some trully whacked ideas on your part (again, I refer to you to the idea of psychic chromosome detection that you seem to think is a thing).
You then make the classic bigoted mistake: You calling being trans a choice: "wanting to be part of". The irony here is that if you listened to yourself, perhaps you'd understand the real issue: trans women do not "want to be" women. We ARE women. If we had a choice, do you think we would choice to be beholden to ignorant fools like you, writing out long diatribes of transphobic tropes like the ones you've used?
You then make another bigoted move: You try to compare gender identity to some transracial claim. I won't even address this because it is stonkingly offensive.
You then demand that trans women are placing themselves above cis women. This is a conspiracy theory that beggars belief, and has strains of "women being erased". To date, nobody has satisfactorily explained how the hell .1% of the population is erasing 51% percent.
Women's concerns are not discard. Transphobe's concerns are discarded because they are without merit. The "genuine concerns" that gender criticals fraudulently peddle have been debunked so frequently it amazes me anyone still takes them seriously.
Again, you demand the predator myth. The evidence simply does not support this. Do you think sexual predators are somehow waiting for permission to attack? That they only turn up during busy periods? Reminder: We've had self-id for 10 years. It made no difference. The K. White's and K. Dolotowskis of the world wouldn't have been stopped by someone saying "no Y chromosomes please" or a stick figure drawing on a door.
The overwhelming majority of trans people (NOT activists) do not reject the idea of biological sex. But you are probably using this to describe a superior knowledge of biological sex that doesn't align with your simplistic views. That's your problem, not ours.
You are not providing this feedback from a place of hope and change. You are forcing ideas that have been debunked many times before, most among my own articles because you want those concepts to be true. You've been presented with evidence and have ignored it in favour of your own beliefs.
This is not good faith arguing. This is transphobia.