I find it bemusing that you find “quisling” a derogatory term, but have no problem with quislings helping transphobes to attack trans people.
But then, you have just restated that you think being transgender is a dogma, so I suspect you ARE one of those transphobes.
You state you understand that function and nature of sex are separate, and then proceed to define the nature of sex in terms of it’s function: that of reproduction. Until you can separate these concepts and concentrate purely on the nature of sex, you will fail.
It is abhorrent to say “disorders of sexual development” because it implies that being intersex is something to be fixed; it implies that intersex is a condition that is undeniably terrible and in need of correction. The mainstream intersex organisations would find such a notion disgusting, as do I.
I’m now putting you on notice. You have not added anything useful to this conversation. You’ve spouted the same old debunked transphobe tripe that I’m used to seeing. If I see one more transphobic comment from you, I’m nuking the lot.